It seems that Satan has a strong foot in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops of late. Just recently Archbishop Timothy Dolan referred to God as "he", "she" or "whatever" without any apology at all and we now find the USCCB supporting illegal immigration through support of the DREAM ACT. The USCCB is supporting crimal illegal immigration into the United States of America and there is no way to rationalize this to any other effect. So much for Christ's mandate to respect legitimate authority and to render unto Caesar. You do not reward 12 million people for systematically breaking the law. People in the United States who are here illegally are criminals by any definition. Worse, in many instances they then become little more than indentured servants, slavery by another name; another practice roundly condemned by the Catholic Church. This amnesty that is being proposed is little other than mass absolution for people who are enaged in criminal activity by their very presense in a foreign nation. This does not include the law-breaking that is occurring after the fact apart from their mere presense. The Catholic Church should be ashamed of the USCCB for supporting the DREAM ACT and should immediately withdraw this support for this foolish and immoral legislation. By way of example, the Catholic Church doesn't recognize the "need" for abortion in America. Why should the Catholic Church recognize the "need" for illegal immigration? I'm sure that abortive women feel just as justified in their choice to kill the unborn child in the womb as illegals from foreign nations do when they choose to enter the United States illegally. Consistency and rational thought is required on these issues and concerns, not the sentimental platitudes of feel-good theology.
From the USCCB website:
U.S. Catholic Bishops to Congress: The Dream Act is the ‘Right Thing to Do’
If you follow the USCCB's line of reasoning the best thing for American Catholics to do if they disagree with abortion, our drug problem, unemployment, or the Obama administration, is to immigrate illegally to some foreign nation where they can get health benefits, work tax-free and eventually be granted amnesty and become citizens there. That's just wrong. Very wrong!
I completely agree with you, and am appalled at the number of 'Catholics' I know who are calling me 'arrogant' and 'prideful' because of my stance against the USCCB's position here. I debated with several other 'Catholics' on the USCCB Facebook page, and I see that the entire thread that I posted on was pulled. There are truly many 'wolves in sheep's clothing' just like Jesus warned us about. True Catholic Social Teaching is the exact OPPOSITE of what the USCCB is now supporting, if one looks to the original teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. It is very sad to see what is going on, but it reminds us that we must be vigilant in speaking out against evil, and especially pray, pray, pray, now more than ever!