Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is the purpose of Catholic schools?

Do children learn of where Sacred Scripture comes from?

Do they learn anything about the early Church Fathers?

Do they understand the Sacraments and where they come from?

Do they understand the Real Presense of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist?

Do they learn and embrace the moral precepts of the Catholic Church?

Do they understand who the Pope is and where his authority comes from?

What do we teach children until the age of 13-14, that ultimately forms them into lifelong Catholics?

A Catholic education, even in these early years of children's education, shouldn't simply be an alternative to secular institutions for the purposes of teaching math, history, English, etc. Children in what we call a Catholic school should be informed of our Catholic faith both by way of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Children should be surrounded with proper examples of good Catholic behaviour, even in the Liturgy of the Mass. The acceptance of the immoral lifestyles by way of participation of practicing homosexuals in the course of the music of the liturgy for example should be not only discouraged but promptly discontinued. Young children should not be allowed to roam freely about the altar, either before or after the Mass. Church is God's Holy place and here Christ resides in the Tabernacle. Proper reverance should be shown Christ and the Mass. Members of the parish not in good standing with the Catholic Church should not approach the altar for Holy Communion The Mass should be shown proper reverence and alterations should never be made to it or improvisations made in it. This also means that individuals who are unmarried and living together, individuals divorced and living with one not their wife, individuals who support abortion and/or birth control or who support same sex marriages/civil unions, should subject themselves to a proper examination of conscience and make a good general confession. This is how we set a proper example for children receiving a Catholic education: by living lives which are Christ centered. If we do not, we might as well close the doors and let our children be educated by seculars who do not at least falsely claim to be of Christ.

1 comment:

  1. We had to pull our daughter out of Catholic school because they were teaching sex ed under the guise of " Family Life " and they would not let us pull her out of the class, whereas the public school did allow us to pull her out of that class. Catholic schools now are really not any different than public. In a few years they will not exist. . . why bother. Parents teach them the faith at home!
